Building Value With Insight

Building Value
With Insight

Garn Invest is an investment company based in Lund, Sweden. We combine financial and operational insights for durable value creation.

Garn Invest is an investment company based in Lund, Sweden. We combine financial and operational insights for durable value creation.

Letter From the CEO

“Our methodology and strategy originate from Garn's purpose – building value with insight.
To build lasting value, regardless of the market cycle.
This is the essence of investing.”


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Letter From the CEO

“Vår metodik och strategi tar ansats i Garns syfte – med insikt bygga värde. Att bygga varaktigt värde, oavsett marknadscykel. Detta är essensen av investering.”

Garn’s Method

Our holdings are based on Garn’s method – weaving deep fundamental analysis with unique insights from our experience and extensive network.

Garn’s Method

Our holdings are based on Garn’s method – weaving deep fundamental analysis with unique insights from our experience and extensive network.

Our objective is to identify qualitative companies with high intrinsic value for the benefit of Garn's shareholders.”

Our objective is to identify qualitative companies with high intrinsic value for the benefit of Garn's shareholders.”

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